George Lopez cant eat Cheetos anymore: anything orange I dont want

Comedian George Lopez was caught at the airport by paparazzi for TMZ, where he said he wasnt going to give a quote but then ended up saying a bunch of funny but depressing things about Trumps election and how its affected him. George was born in Los Angeles and is a third generation Mexican-American who

Eva Longoria hosts Padres Contra El Cancer's 16th annual 'El Sueno de Esperanza' celebration - Arrivals

Comedian George Lopez was caught at the airport by paparazzi for TMZ, where he said he wasn’t going to give a quote but then ended up saying a bunch of funny but depressing things about Trump’s election and how it’s affected him. George was born in Los Angeles and is a third generation Mexican-American who was raised by his grandmother. This election is understandably personal to him, considering the vitriol which Trump has spewed against the Mexican community and his promise to deport millions. Lopez was asked if he would give Trump a chance (like Dave Chappelle ugh) and he made his feelings clear – and funny, I chuckled a little:

[Dave Chappelle] said that he’s going to give Trump a chance
I’ll give him a chance to suck my a**

As a comedian to another comedian we can’t let you leave [the US]
I’m in escrow. Don’t worry about my status I’m already in escrow. I’m not going to tell you where I’m going to go because it will drive up real estate prices. In another year nobody’s going to want to be here. You wanna be scared? Get a dog. This is real life.

And I stopped eating Cheetos too. Anything orange I don’t want.

[From TMZ via Huffington Post]

I will admit that I have faced this exact Cheetos dilemma – no joke! We buy the variety snack packs with Lays, Fritos, Doritos and Cheetos in them. (They’re more expensive but it keeps you from eating more than a serving or two.) The Cheetos are usually the last left in the bag and on Sunday I was desperate and ate them, wondering if they would make me think of you-know-who. (I know this sounds stupid but I couldn’t help it!) I am happy to report that ham-face did not ruin Cheetos for me, nor do I expect him to ruin actual ham. I eat my enemies and they are delicious and crunchy, I just don’t like the residue that’s left on my fingers afterwards. You can get around that by just opening the bag directly into your mouth. And I didn’t get Lopez’s reference to getting a dog but I really want a dog too. Unfortunately my landlord didn’t respond to my text asking her if it would be ok. I think that’s called a “silent no.”

Also, for the handful of people who will read this far here’s a programming note – we’re not going to stop “political” coverage. There is too much at stake, this is crossover news, and this is an unprecedented time in history. The urge to normalize and rationalize Donald Trump as President is disturbing and we will try not to do this or make false equivalencies like many other outlets. We are not always going to be spot on, but we want to be on the right side of history and this is a glaringly obvious situation to so many of us.

Episode 9, season 11 of America's Got Talent as seen on 'NBC.

